Reviews about Fungostop Plus

  • Jürgen
    I suffer from hyperhidrosis, so I often have problems with foot fungus. The doctor advised to use Fungostop Plus cream. Already after the first application, the unpleasant odor and itching disappeared, a month later the fungus disappeared completely. It's been a year since use and the fungus hasn't returned.
    Fungostop Plus
  • Klaus
    I like to visit a bathhouse with friends, but on one of the visits I got infected with a foot fungus. I found reviews on the Internet about Fungostop Plus and decided to use it. The fungus is gone. Now I use the cream as a prophylaxis before going to the bath and after, I don’t get sick with the fungus.
    Fungostop Plus
  • Günther
    I spend the whole working day in special shoes, in which my feet sweat and I had problems with the fungus almost constantly. Starting to use Fungostop Plus ointment, I forgot about sweating and peeling of the legs. I recommend!
    Fungostop Plus
  • Ingrid
    I always thought that only sloppy people could get sick with a fungus, until I began to visit the pool and became infected with a fungus there. Fungostop Plus cream helped me. Before him, I treated the fungus for three months with various means, but nothing helped. On the first day of use, the itching decreased, and after three weeks my legs looked perfect.
    Fungostop Plus
  • Sarah
    Cracks began to appear on my heels, and then itching appeared, I realized that it was a fungus. A friend recommended Fungostop Plus cream. I was able to buy it at a discount and began to apply strictly according to the instructions. A month has passed and my heels are again even, smooth, I can wear open shoes without hesitation.
    Fungostop Plus
User rating Fungostop Plus